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100% custom loupes for the medical and surgical sector

In the medical and surgical fields, precision and comfort are essential for optimal daily performance. At Víttrea, we understand that using standard loupes can cause significant discomfort, such as headaches and visual fatigue, due to the lack of precise adjustment. 

For this reason, we have developed fully customized loupes to meet the specific needs of each professional. 

The importance of customization

Using standard loupes that are not optimally adjusted to the user’s eyes can generate unwanted prismatic effects. These effects not only interfere with visual clarity but can also cause discomfort and errors in critical procedures. 

At Víttrea, we ensure that each loupe is calibrated to match the user’s pupils perfectly. This personalized adjustment eliminates prismatic effects and allows professionals to work with unparalleled comfort and precision. 

Benefits of Víttrea custom loupe

  • Visual comfort and reduced fatigue: by adjusting the loupes for each user, we significantly reduce visual fatigue and headaches, allowing professionals to maintain a clear and constant focus for extended periods.


  • Precision in medical procedures: accuracy in visualization is crucial in the surgical field. Our custom loupes ensure that the finest details are seen clearly, enhancing precision in every procedure.


  • Improved ergonomics: standard loupes are often designed for average working distances, which can force users into uncomfortable and non-ergonomic postures. At Víttrea, we design each loupe according to the specific working distance of each user, promoting correct posture and reducing the risk of musculoskeletal problems. 

At Víttrea, we are committed to quality and constant innovation. We use advanced technology to measure and adjust our loupes, ensuring that each pair is a precise and reliable tool. 

If you are a professional in the medical or surgical field looking to improve precision and comfort in your daily work, Víttrea’s custom loupes are the ideal solution. 

Email us at or call our customer service at 984 491 808.