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Víttrea Interview: Eduard Ferrés, Expert in Oral Surgery and Implantology

Since I started using the Ergo loupes, I have noticed a significant improvement in my ergonomics: I have a straighter posture and less need to visit the physiotherapist.

On this occasion, we have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Eduard Ferrés Amat, an expert in oral surgery and implantology. With a solid academic background and a family tradition in the dental field, Dr. Ferrés shares his experience and perspective on the use of magnification in his daily practice.

Dr. Eduard Ferrés Amat, with a Bachelor’s and Doctorate in Dentistry, trained at the International University of Catalonia (UIC) and completed his Master’s and Doctorate at the Catholic University San Antonio Murcia (UCAM).

From an early age, the family tradition and admiration for his grandfather and father, both stomatologists, guided him towards dentistry. “We recently inaugurated the new headquarters of our clinic, which for me represents a significant step in continuing this family tradition,” he expresses.

Besides his professional dedication, Dr. Ferrés enjoys activities like skiing and skating.

Dr. Ferrés uses Ergo 4X loupes along with the Orchid F light. This magnification offers a wide field of view, making it extremely versatile for application in various medical disciplines.

Dr. Ferrés, since when have you been using magnification, and why did you start?

I started using magnification in 2015 when I was in the Master’s program at UCAM. My first loupes were a classic model.

What are the main advantages of using loupes and lighting systems in your work?

The use of magnification offers obvious benefits: the ability to SEE, in capital letters. Until one uses loupes, they don’t realize what they are missing. For me, it is crucial that the loupes are accompanied by good lighting, as this makes a big difference in the precision and quality of the procedures.

What advice would you give to professionals considering starting to work with dental loupes? What magnification do you recommend for your sector?

My advice is to go for it without hesitation. The benefits are immediate, and the learning curve is quick. In my specialty, oral surgery and implantology, I would recommend starting with at least 4 or 5 magnifications, as they offer excellent depth of field.

What factors did you consider when choosing your latest loupes? What type of magnification did you choose and why?

When acquiring my latest loupes, I considered several aspects: the weight of the frame (crucial for prolonged surgeries), the quality of the light, the available magnifications, and the ease of use.

I opted for Ergo 4X loupes. Initially, the Víttrea team suggested a slightly higher magnification, but I had my reservations. Now, I recognize that their advice was correct, and I will consider a 5X for my next purchase.

Do you use loupes in all the treatments you perform?

I try to, I highly value my loupes and prefer to keep them safe in my office to avoid loss or damage. When I am at my center, I always carry them with me; they are my treasure.

What would you recommend to a colleague who is starting to use magnification?

I would advise them not to hesitate in adopting this technology. It is fundamental in our present and future professional practice. Additionally, it is crucial to seek advice from experts and trust their experience.

Until one uses loupes, they don't realize what they are missing. For me, it is crucial that the loupes are accompanied by good lighting.

How did you discover the Ergo Loupes? What benefits have you experienced with this new dental loupe system? Have you noticed a change in your ergonomics? In what specific aspects?

I learned about the Ergo Loupes thanks to Dr. Ricard Cardona, an endodontist at my center. He put me in touch with the Víttrea team, and after evaluating the product, I decided to acquire it.

These loupes stand out for being the lightest I have tried, in addition to offering exceptional optical quality and effective lighting. Since using them, I have noticed a significant improvement in my ergonomics: I have a straighter posture and less need to visit the physiotherapist. This translates into greater precision in my treatments and better results for my patients.

Thanks to Dr. Ferrés for his testimony and for trusting the Víttrea team to incorporate the Ergo loupes into his daily practice.

If you are also considering incorporating magnification into your clinical practice or surgeries, contact us. We have a team of opticians-optometrists and product specialists who will advise you without obligation.

Write us an email at or call our customer service phone, 984 491 808.