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doctor juan maria pardo interview

Interview with Dr. Juan María Pardo, hand and microsurgeon

Juan María Pardo García is a specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, specifically in hand, elbow, and microsurgery. He completed his studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, one of Spain’s most acclaimed medical institution. Currently, he practices publicly at the General University Hospital of Villalba, and privately at the HM Montepríncipe Hospital, where he is a member of the renowned Hand Surgery and Microsurgery team.

Additionally, he is an associate professor at the Alfonso X el Sabio University in Madrid, and a creator of educational medical content.

From the beginning of his medical career, he knew he wanted to be a surgeon. “I am a meticulous person, with a special vocation for manual work. Due to my experience as a soccer player in my youth, I knew my specialty would be related to sports. That’s why, from my university academic training, I focused my studies and practices on improving my skills as a future surgeon,” emphasizes Dr. Juan María Pardo.

It is true that the life of a surgeon doesn’t leave much free time due to the high professional and teaching activity, but he always finds time for personal care and daily sports practice.

He strives to enjoy quality time with his family and friends, valuing the place he is in at each moment.

Currently, he uses the Ergo 5X loupes, which he has incorporated into his daily routine in the operating room for hand, wrist, and elbow surgeries. He notes their high resolution and applicability in peripheral nerve and microsurgery, where greater precision and resolution are required.

Interview with Dr. Juan María Pardo, specialist in hand surgery and microsurgery

Dr. Pardo, since when have you been using magnification and why did you start? What type of loupes have you used so far?

I started using magnification as soon as I became aware of its importance in hand, wrist, and elbow surgery, especially in the treatment of peripheral nerve pathology. This awareness occurred during my second year of residency in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital.

Since then, and until starting with the Ergo technology, I had used loupes with a 3X magnification with conventional cylindrical lenses.

What benefits do you think the use of Ergo loupes offers for hand surgery?

Firstly, I believe their greatest benefit lies in the surgeon’s health, as we spend a large part of our day in the operating room, and their design allows us to adopt a comfortable posture. This is crucial, and if at the same time we take care of our cervical and postural health, what better solution can there be?

Most of the surgeries we perform on the hand are with the patient in a static position, which forces us to find a comfortable and sustained posture during the surgery. For this reason, Víttrea’s Ergo technology has been the perfect choice for me as it provides the ideal position for this type of intervention. Additionally, the magnification of the loupes allow for easy switching to non-magnified vision, which is important in our field, especially when performing surgeries that require radiological control. They also offer great coverage for eye protection during the procedure.

Aside from the advantages in terms of greater detail of the area to be treated, what other benefits do Ergo loupes provide? Has it changed your ergonomics and way of working? Where have you noticed it?

Without a doubt. It is true that at first, it takes some time to adapt to this new technology, which is why I recommend starting to use them in easier cases, of lesser complexity, to find our comfort and total adaptation point for more complex cases. I like to compare it to a soccer player trying on new boots, and obviously, they don’t do it in the most crucial game of the season.

Fun fact, when I started using them, my assistant in the operating room (located in front of me) thought I was looking at him instead of performing the surgery, which still gives us a knowing laugh between colleagues.

What is your overall opinion on the quality and effectiveness of the Ergo technology?

My opinion can only be positive since I incorporated it into my daily practice. I have noticed improvement both in my personal physical well-being and in the technical field, due to its excellent resolution in an ideal working field in relation to the number of magnifications used within a personalized and adapted working distance.

Is there any particular surgery where you find the loupes especially useful? Do you use loupes in all the surgeries you perform?

I use them in practically all the hand, wrist, and elbow surgeries I perform, but I especially notice their high resolution and applicability in peripheral nerve and microsurgery, where greater precision and resolution are required.

Do you believe that the use of loupes can improve precision and safety in hand surgery?

Without a doubt, I consider it essential. A hand surgeon cannot be such without the application of magnification. Hand pathology requires meticulous, fine treatment, and this can only be achieved with the use of magnification of at least 3X onwards, depending on the type of pathology to be treated.

What advice would you give to a colleague who is starting to use magnification?

Firstly, I would advise them to seek advice from professionals in this technology to decide together which magnification is most suitable for their daily practice.

If they were to ask me, in the case of hand surgery, I believe that a magnification of 3X to 5X would be ideal. Once they decide to use it, I would recommend starting progressively by training in the courses available to us, where the companies that develop this technology always show their support during them.

As an anecdote, I personally know some colleagues who, despite initially being reluctant to incorporate this technology, once they get accustomed to it and become aware of its benefits, turn loupes into an indispensable element in their surgical outfit.

Thanks to Dr. Juan María Pardo for his testimony and for trusting Víttrea to incorporate the Ergo 5X loupes into his surgical practice.

If you are also thinking of incorporating magnification into your daily routine in the clinic or operating room, we have a team of optometrists and product specialists who will advise you without obligation.

Contact us by emailing us at or calling our customer service phone at 984 491 808.