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Interview with Dr Mar Navarro, Endodontics and Restorative Specialist

In today’s interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Mar Navarro, a specialist in endodontics and restorative dentistry. Passionate about sports, she completed her dentistry degree and master’s in Madrid at the Rey Juan Carlos University, but she currently practices in the province of Albacete. 

In her free time, she enjoys writing, reading, walking, and engaging with people and experiences that inspire her. Recently, she has taken up sports such as tennis, running, and swimming, which have brought a spark into her life, reminding her that she’s alive and helping her channel her energy into her work. 

Dr Navarro uses Ergo 7.5X loupes along with the Orchid E headlight system. This magnification provides her with the utmost precision for the most demanding procedures, while also allowing her to view the work area without tilting her neck, keeping her back perfectly straight and ensuring the best posture. 

As the very concept of magnification suggests, the loupes and their illumination bring the human eye to a greater capacity for detailed and careful observation of what is happening. Reality exists here and there, beyond what we can observe, and the loupes immerse me in it, within the tooth I am working on, allowing precision to come closer to what I imagine achieving in each treatment before I begin.

Dr Navarro, how long have you been using magnification? What type of loupes have you used so far?

I’ve been using loupes since my first year of my master’s, which coincided with my first year of work experience, as I thought they would help me from the beginning to automate the precision and skills that magnification brings.

What advantages do you highlight from using loupes and lighting systems? How does it impact your work?

As the very concept of magnification suggests, the loupes and their illumination bring the human eye to a greater capacity for detailed and careful observation of what is happening. Reality exists here and there, beyond what we can observe, and the loupes immerse me in it, within the tooth I am working on, allowing precision to come closer to what I imagine achieving in each treatment before I begin.

Better visualisation brings us closer to reality, guiding therapeutic decisions towards more precise execution on the problem at hand. Greater proximity to perfectionism will improve the prognosis of the treatment. Additionally, this increased vision offers the comfort of a more ergonomic posture, which means better physical conditions for working, positively influencing therapeutic results. The patient deserves that.

What advice would you give to a professional considering starting to use dental loupes?

I would encourage them to jump into the reality that can be observed. It’s something that can change the way you work and the enthusiasm with which you do things. Seeing more will always make us better professionals, so it’s always a win. It’s something that will set us apart for the rest of our careers.

What factors have you considered when choosing your loupes? What magnification level have you chosen?

The speciality I mainly work in—endodontics and restoration—since it requires the most magnification. I have chosen 7.5X as I believe it provides the depth I need for most treatments without losing sight of a broader field, which is very helpful, for example, when I want to restore or make openings.

Better visualisation brings us closer to reality, guiding therapeutic decisions towards more precise execution on the problem at hand. Greater proximity to perfectionism will improve the prognosis of the treatment. Additionally, this increased vision offers the comfort of a more ergonomic posture, which means better physical conditions for working, positively influencing therapeutic results. The patient deserves that.

Do you use loupes in all the treatments you perform?

Yes, the loupes are part of my face when I work. I can move with them; they stick to me, and I can step out of their world with my eyes without even thinking about it, as if they were just another function of my body. That versatility means I don’t need to take them off, so I even use them for examinations.

What advice would you give to a colleague who is new to using magnification?

Use them a lot, be patient, and your hands will follow your vision in the blink of an eye.

Thank you to Dr Mar Navarro for her testimony and for trusting the Víttrea team in incorporating Ergo loupes into her daily routine.

If you’re also considering adding loupes to your daily clinical work or surgeries, contact us. We have a team of product specialists and optometrists who will advise you without any obligation.

Send us an email at or call our customer service line at 984 491 808.